Government must come clean on which Horsham schools are affected by crumbling concrete
The Government has refused to reveal which schools are affected by failing RAAC concrete, despite calls from the Liberal Democrats to come clean.
The Government has refused to reveal which schools are affected by failing RAAC concrete, despite calls from the Liberal Democrats to come clean.
West Sussex Liberal Democrats have reacted with disbelief at the decision by Conservative-controlled West Sussex County Council to allow the contract for advocacy services for adults with learning disabilities to lapse.
The Liberal Democrats have called for rail fares to be frozen for the next 5 years after ministers refuse to say how much rail tickets will rise.
Following a winter of unprecedented damage to West Sussex roads, Liberal Democrat councillors are bringing a Notice of Motion to WSCC on Monday 17th July asking the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport to look again at the emergency repair regime.
Rail chiefs have announced plans to close almost all the 1,007 remaining rail ticket offices around England within the next three years - and that includes Horsham District.
In a surprise move, Jeremy Quin MP has refused to meet with HDC officers and the new Cabinet Member for Planning, Cllr John Milne, to discuss the impact of government policy on Horsham’s new Local Plan.