Childcare prices rising sharply in Horsham area
Liberal Democrat analysis of the Coram Childcare Report shows a £600-£900 price jump since last year, for parents in the South East using 25 hours of childcare a week.
Liberal Democrat analysis of the Coram Childcare Report shows a £600-£900 price jump since last year, for parents in the South East using 25 hours of childcare a week.
New analysis by the Liberal Democrats reveals that over 41 pubs, restaurants and cafes are at risk of closure within Horsham District following the Chancellor’s Budget last week.
Responding to the Spring Budget today, Horsham Lib Dems have condemned the Government's plans to let energy bills rise even higher as “so out of touch they might as well be on a different planet".
Last Sunday, the Horsham Liberal Democrats officially kick-started our campaign to take control of HDC at this May’s local elections, with candidates, members and supporters attending a standing room only event at the Knepp Estate in Dial Post.
New research from the House of Commons Library, commissioned by the Liberal Democrats has revealed that 448 people were stuck waiting for more than two months before receiving treatment at Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust.
West Sussex Conservative Cabinet Member asleep at the wheel as earlier decision leaves 11 Southwater families being told their children have been allocated school places not in nearby Horsham, but 16 miles away in Burgess Hill.