It is with regret but also appreciation, that we announce that Mike Wood has had to resign from his role as Horsham District Councillor for the Southwater North ward due to a change in his professional circumstances.
NHS waiting lists in Surrey & Sussex Healthcare Trust have hit a new high of 49,333 since Rishi Sunak made his pledge to cut them at the start of last year.
Ban on no-fault evictions this Christmas as 4,160 households across South East England are at risk of homelessness due to Section 21 notices in the year 2022/2023.
The long awaited Local Plan for Horsham District has now been published on the Council website, prior to being presented at Cabinet and Full Council on 11th Dec.
Horsham’s Conservative MP, Jeremy Quin, has voted against a Liberal Democrat amendment which would have committed the government to patients having a legal right to see their GP within a week, or 24-hours if urgent.
Cllr John Milne reacts to Horsham MP Jeremy Quin’s decision to resign from Rishi Sunak’s government and refusal to accept the offer to be the next Housing Minister.
The UK must once again stand tall, leading on the world stage and working closely with those who share our interests – including, above all, our partners in Europe.
No child should ever have to experience sexual abuse. These are horrifying crimes that cause so much harm to the children who are victims. We will keep up the pressure so that the action needed to make our communities safe all children finally happens.
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