Forest Ward

Meet your candidates

Colin Minto
Having grown up in nearby Broadbridge Heath before moving to Horsham, Colin is our local champion
“A lot of the councillor role is spent
listening, evidencing then directing your concerns and issues to the right people. I like to see fast solutions to problems, and don’t hesitate to call a meeting with officers or escalate to the top to get you quicker action and results.”

Jon Olson
Jon returned to Horsham with his young family and campaigns to improve this community that he loves
“Speeding traffic on the school run motivated me to join Forest Neighbourhood Council. I found out I wasn’t the only one who wished for safer and slower streets! Now as an HDC Councillor, I work to influence local policy. But I will always remain a campaigner for local issues.”

Dr. David Skipp
A long time Horsham GP before he retired, Dr Skipp was honoured with the position of Chairman of the Council from 2021-22
“At Council I’m still fighting for the best for our residents, including better access to healthcare. But the small things matter too, from pot holes to dog bins. When I pass the bus stop on Elm Grove, I know it’s there due to Lib Dem pressure.”