West Sussex Lib Dems horrified by loss of funding for advocacy

West Sussex Liberal Democrats have reacted with disbelief at the decision by Conservative-controlled West Sussex County Council to allow the contract for advocacy services for adults with learning disabilities to lapse.
The contract for advocacy services is being allowed to lapse without any discussion by councillors and without any announcement about alternatives to the users of the service. The proposal for peer support groups has not been tested with service users to see whether it is appropriate. They seem to be following the same strategy of allowing contracts to lapse, re-allocating budget, denying it’s a cut, and badly informing service receivers.
Cllr Kate O’Kelly, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Health and Adult Services, said:
“Instead of letting councillors know that a decision was pending which would allow us to engage and shape the plan, and advocate for these services, the council has just allowed the contract to lapse over the summer and has hidden behind technicalities as to why they didn’t inform us. Councillors have only found out about this change after being contacted by local residents, which will leave the adults who need our support the most without support. This decision needs to be urgently scrutinised by the Members of the Council on behalf of our vulnerable residents. I have called for it to be taken as an urgent item at the Health and Adults Social Care Committee, The Cabinet Member for Adults Services Cllr Amanda Jupp has some serious explaining to do”
Cllr Stuart Condie said:
“I was contacted by the Asperger’s Voice Self Advocacy Group about the loss of this service. I am appalled that such a valuable service is being allowed to lapse without a suitable alternative being provided. The answers to my questions so far have been far from satisfactory”
Cllr John Milne added:
“This looks like yet another stealth cut in services, disguised as ‘business as usual’. Yes, they’re quietly allowing a contract to lapse rather than ending it early. But for users it amounts to the same thing and it’s disingenuous in the extreme to pretend otherwise.”