Taking the Local Plan to the Parishes
One of the stranger characteristics of the Tories in HDC was a dislike of talking to parish and neighbourhood councils. The view of long-term leader Cllr Ray Dawe was, you get an election every 4 years and you should be grateful for it.
No wonder selling the Local Plan was such a disaster under the Tories.
This time round Cllr John Milne, Cabinet Member for Planning and Infrastructure, has taken a Local Plan roadshow round the district. It gave residents their chance to raise the issues that directly affect them – in person with the HDC officers who make their professional assessments.
Unsurprisingly, many residents have strong feelings about proposed housing developments in their neighbourhoods. But at least this was a chance to convey a level of detailed information about possible sites that only a local would know.
At the same time we have introduced a regular newsletter on all things planning that will be circulated to parishes from now on.
There’s a lot of ground to make up and the parishes feel very excluded. But we’re determined to progress with a more open, involving style of local politics.