LETTER: Cllr John Milne reacts and refutes rumours regarding Land North of Melton Drive, Storrington

As printed in the Thursday, 29 February 2024, print edition of the West Sussex County Times
Some residents may have come across a rumour that an illicit ‘deal’ was agreed between HDC, the Greens and the Lib Dems over the allocation of a development site at Land North of Melton Drive, Storrington.
This story began with a post on Guido Fawkes, a right-wing conspiracy blogsite. It was suggested that the land was owned by a ‘Green councillor’ who ‘worked closely’ with the Lib Dems in HDC, and would be developed ‘with taxpayers money’. In other words, it’s an outright suggestion of corruption.
It’s wrong in almost every respect. HDC has no financial interest in any of the 500 sites considered in the Local Plan. This site is listed as being owned by a developer, Wates Group. And to cap it all, Land North of Melton Drive was in fact first selected by the Tories, not the Lib Dems, in all the earlier versions of the plan going back to 2021.
The individual behind Guido Fawkes is not an accredited journalist and so cannot be asked to take down the post, as a registered journalist might. Although it’s a national blog, the Guido Fawkes site has a curious record of posting about the Storrington area.
Unevidenced accusations of financial interest against HDC officers and councillors are sadly all too common. But what is really disappointing is that our own local MP, Andrew Griffith, has treated the story seriously and reposted it without checking the facts with HDC.
Anyone would think there’s an election coming this year.
Cllr John Milne
Cabinet Member for Planning, Horsham District Council